Friday, July 7, 2017

A poem for Independence day

At the pitch

The mountains are preparing
to greet the sea
as the sun slowly settles
into the cotton down
softly billowing at the head
of the pitch.

The golden globe
yields slowly
to the bed frame world
glowing in her
azure-domed kingdom.

Even so, as the day’s cog
turns, children run
back and forth
dragging the sun,
tethering it to their
evening’s entertainment.

If they could they’d
peg the sun in her halls
and bring eternity to their dreams.

Happy 53rd birthday, Malawi! Here's looking forward to the bright future you have ahead of you. I've been back just over a year now and I still miss it everyday. A special shout out to my Malawian family in Meru - there are too many to name, but you know who you are.